At a Glance
- Access to 12 lessons of guided inductive Bible study, reading comprehension questions, instructional video and audio clips, discussion questions, integrative assignments, and other content
- Now includes direct access to Bible study tools at Biblearc.com, an online Bible study program from Bethlehem College & Seminary.
- Provides a structured and comprehensive introduction to complimentarity through careful biblical study and reflection on John Piper’s book Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
- 24/7 access for 6 months to complete the course at your own pace
More Details
The course Introduction to Biblical Manhood and Womanhood is a biblical study on manhood and womanhood, focusing on the relational dynamics between men and women in the home and in the church. The curriculum introduces the students to the complementarian view and argues that God created men and women equally in the image of God, but that he assigned men and women different roles to fulfill. Students will survey all the major biblical passages on gender, learn to respond to common egalitarian arguments, and begin to apply the beautiful vision of biblical complementarity to their own lives.
Course Overview
- Biblical complementarity in creation and the fall
- Women in the Old Testament
- Gender in the kingdom of God
- Headship and submission in marriage and the home
- Biblical authority in the church
- Male and female distinctions
- Biblical manhood and womanhood for today
Course Format
A series of 12 lessons that each include an introduction, lesson objectives, inductive Bible study, critical interaction with secondary sources, comprehension questions, video and audio content, and discussion questions if studying with a group.
What do I need to take this course?
You will need an internet connection that allows you to view videos, an English version of the Bible (preferably the English Standard Version), and the required textbook edited by John Piper and Wayne Grudem, Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.
Should I take this course if I have already have Biblical convictions on manhood and womanhood?
We believe that this course will enrich and deepen your understanding of biblical manhood and womanhood, even if you have studied it previously in some way. This course provides a Christian Hedonist perspective on this significant subject, which should result in new insights and a better appreciation for what it means to be a man or a woman. The combination of inductive Bible study, Wayne Grudem, and John Piper makes this course unique.
For what setting was this course designed?
This course can be taken as an independent study but also provides discussion questions and integrative assignments for an informal or formal group study. The course would work well in a rigorous Sunday school environment, as part of a small group study, within a discipleship or training context, or in an academic program.
Can I take this course as a part of a group?
We encourage anyone taking a course from us to do it within a local church context. Churches may use our courses as the theological content for group studies. Questions are included in each lesson to facilitate discussion.
About the Technology
Developed By
With Resources From

Dr. John Piper
Chancellor and Professor of Biblical Exegesis
Bethlehem College & Seminary
Founder and Teacher, desiringGod.org